Friday, 18 May 2012

Drawing Alter Ego Ideas

Alter Ego
1) the opposite of who you usually are and your presonality (e.g. a hippie's alter ego would be a fascist dictator)

2. the bad side of a person that may come to life at anytime, switching your personality (this is fantasy, though some people may believe they have an alter-ego in which they can't control).

3) A person who you aren't ut you act as sometimes as though you have transformed (e.g Eminem's alter ego is Slim Shady)

I want to do a painting with my alter ego like the black swan*3jF8D0NVDku-bRM0kp*uUh0yM5uHEOMOOyH0wi33exzqnbpmMis5qzx6hFwbL9Ry4dl78NTKfEvIWF1h4t33gx289szJU/the_black_swan__s_dance_by_horror_loverd38lf7w.jpg?width=598&height=393

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